Congrats, you’re off to join the big wide world, but before you go to college, make sure you pack wisely. It’s not enough to carry a suitcase full of beer and your laptop tucked under your arm! There’s bound to be something you can’t find on campus when you really need it. You’ll have a lot to absorb, so at least kick off the semester with the basic essentials you’ll need for living, studying, and feeling right at home.
While you might be exploring your inner self and experimenting with a hippy/bohemian/cool look for campus, remember you might have to give class presentations, attend job fairs or college events, and eventually go for interviews where a t-shirt and jeans just won’t cut it. Make sure you pack some semi-and formal attire and on that note, stain-removing or bleach pens and some wrinkle remover spray (given that these items will probably spend some time lying in the bottom of your closet). As far as your washing your delicates are concerned, you may want to take along a small foldup clothes rack so you can hang them in the privacy of your room.
On another practical note, be prepared for all seasons including snow, rain and cold. There’s nothing worse than running between classes ducking under others’ umbrellas and clinging to walls for protection from gale force winds.
Creature Comforts
To give your room a more homely feel choose some framed pics of family and friends and why not some posters or wall art. Don’t forget a closet organizer and hangers as you’ll probably be tight for space. You don’t know your roomie or neighbors, so take a small safe for your jewelry and other important items (bank documents, credit card, driver’s licence, copy of your birth certificate, passport, student ID, etc.)
Pack a thick blanket or bed cover — it can not only be used for extra warmth in the cold seasons, but spread out on a dorm room floor as a soft carpet/or cushion to relax or study on. Another comfy item you’ll thank us for is a mattress pad, memory foam, air mattress, or egg crate as you have no idea how soft or hard (i.e. well used) your bed will be and a good night’s sleep will be something that stands you in good stead. Besides linen, you may also want to throw in a bedbug-protecting mattress cover! Other must-have items are a small fan for summer and a small heater for winter.
The days of dragging along a manual type writer that weighs a ton are thankfully long gone. What you will need besides a tote bag and loads of stationary, is a reliable laptop, an external hard drive, flash drives, a keyboard and wireless mouse, a lap desk, laptop case, camera with an SD card, E-reader, a tablet if you have one, chargers (for phone, laptop, camera, etc.), a portable phone charger, an Ethernet cable, HDMI cable, extension cords, adapters (HDMI, Ethernet, etc.), headphones, a printer (plus ink and paper), a router, surge protectors, and if you want, a TV (and a stand). Take batteries and an alarm clock — your phone might not be enough to avoid you missing lectures!
We’re not only talking about your allergy meds, earplugs, and insect repellant, but everything you’ll need for your personal hygiene — from shower gel to conditioner and definitely the all-essential shower shoes (yes, the joys of public showers). However, remember a beauty salon will probably not be in walking distance from your dorm room. If you’re invited to a pool party or beach with friends over the weekend, you’re not going to want to make an appearance in your bather with hair sprouting from well, everywhere. The best solution is take your DIY mini hair removal device with you. If you don’t have one, start using one even before you leave for college and make it part of your beauty routine.
There are many DIY laser devices on the market that can be used at a time of your convenience and in the privacy of your room. Sensilight Mini, for example, offers an excellent line of professional-grade, non-invasive, home-use hair removal devices that have permanent results. The line is based on Sensica’s cutting-edge, FDA-cleared Reactive Pulsed Light (RPL™) technology that disables hair re-growth at the root using light and heat. Additionally, sensiLight™ Mini is affordable (great for students), easy-to-use, and painless, and you can forget about scratching at shaving rashes throughout class or burns that brush painfully against clothes.
Last words of advice, enjoy every moment of this exciting and adventurous time that will leave you with more memories than you can transport home and that you’ll carry with you forever!