The Quest for Younger Skin Doesn’t Need to Lead to a Doctor’s Office

Thanks to science and modern technology, there are many ways to rejuvenate skin and reverse the effects of aging. There are invasive procedures (that break the skin in some way), such as: Botox, facelifts, laser skin resurfacing, and chemical peels. But if this doesn’t sound like a good fit for you, don’t worry because there are plenty of other options that are far less intimidating. Here are some of the best non-surgical ways to combat aging.

The Options

With so many non-surgical choices available to help restore your skin to its youthfulness, how can you know which method is right for you and your needs? Here are the best options, with little-to-no recovery time, that will leave your skin looking younger and healthier.

  • Microdermabrasion

This process is an excellent choice for dull skin with age spots or brown spots. The procedure of microdermabrasion uses an applicator with a rough surface to “sand” off the top layer of skin which exposes the newer skin underneath. The skin recovers completely within 24 hours and there are few known side-effects.

There are many devices out there that reverse signs of facial aging. Most are for professional use only and some are not even effective. However, there is one device that should grab your attention and that is Sensilift. Developed by medical aesthetic experts at Sensica, this handheld, non-invasive device has the technical abilities of salon treatments by using RF (radio frequency) technology. Designed for home use, Sensilift takes this RF technology one step further to create Dynamic RF. How it works is that the Dynamic RF anti-aging technology reaches deep into the skin layers and heats collagen fibers in order to stimulate collagen production to reduce wrinkles. No risk, no surgery!

  • Ultherapy

This new and simple technique is done by a technician who glides an ultrasound wand across the face and neck. This works to jump start the production of new collagen which tightens the skin. Results can be seen after about two weeks and the healing process is quick. Other than a little swelling and bruising for a few days, most people experience no side-effects.

  • HydraFacial

The HydraFacial is a non-irritating and non-invasive process that combines numerous skin rejuvenating procedures into one. The skin is first exfoliated; an acid peel is then used to loosen oil from within the pores; the oil and dirt are extracted using a vacuum-like suction; and finally, the pores are imbued with a nurturing, hydrating serum that fuels the production of collagen. The process takes around an hour and is somewhat painless. While it won’t remove wrinkles, it will leave your skin looking cleaner and younger.

Whether you decide to opt for a non-invasive or invasive anti-aging solution, weigh the pros and cons including: budget, risk, pain, and recovery time required after treatment. Just keep in mind that you don’t have to undergo an intense procedure to see amazing results!

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