National Gorgeous Grandma Day

On Monday 23 July 2018, it’s National Gorgeous Grandma Day – the day we celebrate the grandmas in our lives for both their inner and outer beauty.

How did it start?

The concept of the Gorgeous Grandma was thought up by Alice Solomon after she graduated from Wellesley College cum laude at the age of 50. In her younger years she had been a beauty queen and high-fashion runway model, and she wasn’t too thrilled about being categorized as a senior citizen. In 2001, Alice finished her first book Love, Sex, and the Single Gorgeous Grandma: Reflections on Being Single Over 50. Her second book, Find the Love of Your Life After Fifty! was published in 2004. Today, she is a radio host, speaker and newspaper columnist, writing “A Guide for Gorgeous Grandmas”. By starting Gorgeous Grandma Day, Alice set out to remind people to think of their grandmas and how special they are, no matter what age they may be.

Gorgeous at all ages

There’s no doubt that science and medicine have increased our longevity. Most women do not consider themselves to be old the minute they become grandmothers. Many are leading a full and active life, even seeking adventure as much as their offspring do.

This doesn’t mean that the modern grandma no longer sees herself as the family matriarch who is there to share her wisdom and experience, not to mention unconditional love. It’s just that she’s looking and feeling younger. So, this national holiday celebrates a generation of women who not only treasure their family, but also treasure themselves and love life. It rejoices in the life and spirit of all those over the age of 50 who are just not ready to resign themselves to a quiet life.

Life’s lessons

While the modern generation sits glued to screens and considers this ‘quality time’, this celebration should make us all sit up and pay attention to the values that were once so treasured; those of family, of passing down knowledge, lessons, stories, respect and love. It encourages us to take notice of an older woman who has experienced life and from whom we have much to learn. Too often, grandmothers are dismissed as old fashioned by their grandchildren and perhaps even neglected by their own children. In acknowledgment of all they have to share with us, every day should be a national grandma’s day. We have much to learn from their amazing attitude and the positive energy that emanates from them. They teach us that aging is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced.

Celebrate in style

On this special day, why not tell your grandmother how much you appreciate her and how beautiful she is? Do something special with her. Go shopping and take loads of selfies. Take her to her favorite restaurant. Or buy her a gift that compliments her young soul and inner beauty, but will also keep her looking beautiful on the outside for longer. We’re not suggesting making an appointment for her to have a facelift, but something that will put her beauty care into her own hands. Like Sensilift™ – a handheld device developed by the medical esthetics experts at Sensica that effectively reduces wrinkles and fine lines, whilst firming up the skin and improving its texture and appearance.

If your grandma is very active, Sensilift™ will suit her lifestyle perfectly, as the device is designed for home use so she can decide when and where to use it. It also saves on time-consuming, not to mention expensive, repeat visits to clinics. Best of all, Sensilift™ is noninvasive, safe and has the technical capabilities of salon treatments. No risk, no surgery!

Your grandma may be busy, but she still wants and needs to be loved and cherished all year round. This is one way you can let her feel alive, vibrant and beautiful!

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