Grandparents’ Day: Then and Now

Times have certainly changed since US President Jimmy Carter declared the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day in 1978.

The role of grandparents

In 1900, over 60 percent of older adults lived with children – usually their grandchildren; by 1962, 25 percent did; and by 1975 only 14 percent.

Thanks to the leaps and bounds that have been made in healthcare and science, people are living longer and in better health. They are retiring later in life, holding down full-time jobs that they find fulfilling. Once they do retire, their ambitions for their “golden years” are about retaining their independence, being physically active and enjoying their leisure time for as long as possible – not raising their grandchildren as was the norm in days gone by.

Life is not only hectic for the young, but for every generation: grandparents simply don’t have time to take on traditional babysitting roles while their own children work. But, while they may no longer be taking an active role in the functioning of the family as a whole, or in the physical growth and development of their grandchildren, they still have an important role to play in passing down knowledge and experience. The nature of grandparent-grandchild relationship has also evolved: rather than demanding obedience and respect, grandparents are affectionate and indulgent; rather than being authoritarian and keeping a distance, they become friendly, approachable sounding boards. Even, as often happens today, families are geographically separated by hundreds or thousands of miles, grandparents can stay in touch with their grandkids via social networking, keeping them close even when far apart.

Facing facts
Today’s healthier, more active grandparents have changed the way we perceive aging. 80 is the last generation’s 60, 60 is the new 40, and so on. However, one thing that hasn’t change is the way time takes its toll on the skin – and fine lines and wrinkles cannot be avoided forever. Again, thanks to modern technology, today you can also look younger. We’re not talking about opting for invasive skin treatments, like Botox or facelifts, but about opting for Sensilift™ – a handheld device developed by medical esthetics experts at Sensica. Sensilift™ perfectly suits the busy lifestyle – and budget – of older women. Designed for use from home, the device saves on time-consuming, costly repeat visits to clinics. It effectively reduces wrinkles and fine lines, whilst firming up the skin and improving its texture and appearance. It is non-invasive, safe, and has the technical abilities of salon treatments. No risk; no surgery!

Sensilift™ is a gift that any grandmother would love. But, why wait? You’re a new generation grandma – you deserve to look great and to treat yourself!

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