Men Dealing with the Effects of Aging
The internet is filled with articles and promotional advertisements pointing out ways for women to reverse the aging process, featuring different techniques and highlighting different technology to promote a fresher face. But what about men? Men also look in the mirror and experience that sinking feeling when they notice sagging skin, sun damage, wrinkles, drooping eyes, and time lines. Of course, aging isn’t seen only on the face – though this is where it is most noticeable – it is also seen in other areas of the body and men are becoming aware of this. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with men wanting to appear younger and feel better about their bodies.
The Statistics
According to statistics reported in 2016 by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, there is a notable difference in the popularity of non-surgical and surgical beauty-enhancing and age-defying technologies among males and females. The general trend in 2016 was chemical peels for men, along with various popular non-surgical treatments such as hair removal, hyaluronic acid, Botox, and photo-rejuvenation.
Similar Types of Cosmetic Procedure
When taking a closer look at the gender distribution of the most common surgical cosmetic technologies, it was found that females underwent approximately 1.7 million procedures as of 2016, whereas males had closer to 200,000. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for both males and females.
Male breast reduction was noted as being the treatment of choice for the condition known as gynecomastia – a medical condition affecting the endocrine system where there is an increase in the size of male breast tissue. According to a survey carried out by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, male breast reduction to treat gynecomastia has risen by 181% since 1997.
Different Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures
According to the gender distribution for non-surgical injectable cosmetic procedures, botulinum toxin, or Botox, was noted as the most popular choice for both males and females; however, statistics showed that 91.1% of people treated with Botox were female. as compared to 8.9% who were male. Regarding the different skin rejuvenation procedures, 92.4% were performed on females, while only 7.6% were performed on males. Statistics show that both males and females preferred photo-juvenation as a non-surgical procedure, with 90.8% of those using this option being female and 9.2% being males.
Other Types of Non-Surgical Procedure
Other procedures used for cosmetic reasons include technological treatments such as non-surgical fat reduction, tattoo removal, sclerotherapy, and laser or pulsed light hair removal. The latter option is the procedure most popular among females with 87.9% of users being women and only 12.1% of users being men.
A Final Word on the Matter
What the results indicate is that more women are prepared than men to utilize different measures to improve their physical appearance. Men’s reluctance may be due to embarrassment or based on the stigma that anti-aging and beauty care is only for females. Regardless, it is apparent that the modern male is becoming increasingly concerned about the way they look, with trends of anti-aging products for males becoming popular in Google searches.
Let’s face facts: when it comes to the restoration of one’s skin, there are numerous alternatives available. One factor that males need to take into account is that there are various non-invasive options claiming to provide anti-aging results, from wrinkle reduction to facelifts, without the expense or embarrassment of visiting a professional beauty clinic.
It is for these reasons, and many more, that Sensica’s medical aesthetic specialists have developed a non-invasive, FDA-cleared device called Sensilift. Sensilift has the features of a beauty salon treatment, packaged into a handheld device, offering the everyday male the option to perform his own anti-aging beauty treatment at home. Not only does this remove the embarrassment of visiting a beauty clinic, but it is also convenient and much less costly.
The Sensilift device is based on a unique system known as Dynamic RF anti-aging technology, which reaches wider and deeper skin layers simultaneously. This reduces wrinkles in the skin, improving its aesthetic appearance, texture and firmness. Sensors that react to the condition of the skin with each flash make the device safe to use, and it is virtually painless. Furthermore, it is intuitive to use and offers the sensation of a spa massage. Known as the “no risk, no surgery, no embarrassment, and no pain facelift” option, it really that works!