5 Tips to Prep Your Body for Winter

The weather is bleak and it’s only November, with many places already experiencing snow, dry air, chafing winds, and freezing temperatures. However, it doesn’t mean our body has to be a casualty of similar forces and end up as stressed, bleak and cracked as our surrounds.

While some of these ailments are encountered outdoors, even the dryer indoor air can leave your skin parched. Holiday stress, including drinking and eating to extremes, only adds to skin challenges. Here are some tips to help prepare your skin for winter’s onslaught.

1. Switch to Creams
As you switch your wardrobe to winter, it’s time to do the same with your skin emollient. Body creams are typically more moisturizing and richer than lotions as have more oil content and less water. Lotions simply don’t provide enough of an oily barrier to reduce water loss. Creams also feel heavier on the skin and do a better job at protecting against humidity and temperature extremes. For the same reason change your shower soap for a hydrating shower gel for extra skin enrichment.

2. Avoid Body Stressors
Winter may be bleak, but it brings with it a horde of fun holiday celebrations. Unfortunately, rich foods, alcohol, and a lack of sleep can be harsh on the skin and should be kept in balance. Certain skin stressors can even lead to acne or cold sores. To prevent the stress of Thanksgiving dinner with your least favorite relatives, cut back on simple sugars and carbs — found abundantly in fast foods or processed foods — well in advance!

3. Go Gloved
In winter our hands are always dry, but there’s no point waiting till temperatures are frigid to start piling on hand cream if your hands are constantly exposed to the elements — or you’re constantly washing them every time someone near you coughs or sneezes. Apply moisturizer, but also wear gloves early! If you don’t and your hands get chaffed, moisturizes will burn.

4. Use a Humidifier
Winter dries out the air and the dryer the air, the more it steals moisture from your skin. If you live in a dry climate, use a humidifier, especially in your bedroom at night.

5. Kissable Lips
Chapped lips are the bane of winter. Get rid of that dry, flaky skin that crack and cause painful fissures by using lip balm every time you step outside. Another simple solution is to use a homemade sugar scrub. Just mix some regular sugar with some jojoba, coconut, or safflower oil, and rub gently on the lips once a day. Add a little honey for healing properties. Follow up with a nourishing lip balm.

With gift buying and holiday celebrations foremost on your list of things to do, prepping your body for the cold months ahead when the festivities are long gone is just as important. You’ll thank yourself in the long-run by making sure your skin is supple from head to toe even before the winter onslaught!

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