After years of seeing billboards full of airbrushed, photoshopped images of ‘beauty’; after reading countless ads with promises that aren’t backed up in real life, at Sensica we’ve decided we want none of it. We prefer beauty that is real.

That’s not to say we don’t understand how you feel when the reflection that looks back from the mirror has a few more wrinkles than you recall having, the skin on your thighs is not as toned as it once was, and upon close inspection you find hair sprouting in places it shouldn’t. We get it.

The thing is, we believe that the product is only the beginning. That’s why we focus our efforts not only on developing products that really work, but on really being there for you.

We have knowledge, technology, advice and useful tips to make sure you achieve real beauty results, and if you need a more personal touch and a true friend in the world of beauty… we’re here to offer a real bond. Just give us a call.

Our Technology

Technology that delivers REAL results

Having been at the forefront of the professional medical aesthetics field for decades, the Sensica team has made professional, non-invasive technologies available for your personal use.

Click on the device name below to read more about our innovative technology:

Sensifirm Lipotherm RF™ – cellulite reduction & body contouring

Sensilight RPL™ (Reactive Pulsed Light) – hair removal

Sensismooth Adapt2U™ – Cleanse. Exfoliate. Pedicure. 

Sensilift DRF™ (Dynamic Radio Frequency) – anti-aging

Sensideep CIS™ (Capsule Infusion System) – serum booster

Susana Lopez


Hayley Nelson

Dermatology Nurse Specialist

Elizabeth Madueno


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